Mighty Samson: Gold Key Comics' Apocalyptic Treasure

Looking back on my comic book collecting 'career', there are many nostalgic gems that spring into my brain at odd moments during these reminiscences. One such diamond in the rough is Gold Key Comics' Mighty Samson - a series that stands strong amidst the rubble of forgotten narratives, much like its titular hero. And today, my fellow weirdos, we're going to talk about it. Welcome to N'Yark: A Nightmare Playground Ah, the Big Apple, once a beacon of human achievement, but in the future, a festering wound on the face of a ravaged Earth. Welcome to N'Yark, the twisted remains of New York City, where Mighty Samson calls home. This isn't your run-of-the-mill post-apocalyptic wasteland; it's a fever dream of mutated monstrosities and warped remnants of a world long gone. Imagine the Statue of Liberty, that iconic symbol of freedom and hope, half-submerged in toxic sludge, her torch barely visible above the muck. Or Central Park, once a green oasis, now a laby...