Growing Up on the Wrong Side of the Spaceways

What I remember best about being a kid and reading comics are the characters that I liked and ended up pretending to be while having numerous imaginative adventures, either with friends or by my lonesome. Loving Super-hero teams and growing up in the early eighties meant that I was exposed to such titles as The New Teen Titans, The X-Men, The Justice League, etc. However, none of these Supergroups could hold a candle to the 30th century's Legion of Super-Heroes (at least in my mind!) I loved the issues written by Paul Levitz and pencilled by Keith Giffen best of all, enjoying the intrigue, action and drama that could consitsently be found in every issue. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that my favorite futuristic superhero of all time also came from the pages of Legion. Ultraboy's first appearance! One of the most famous of all Legion members, Jo Nah of the planet Rimbor, a.k.a. ULTRA BOY never lost his appeal for me, even after the numerous reboots the Legion have...