The Lost (and Forgotten) World of the Warlord

One of my favorite comics from the late seventies and eighties, Mike Grell's The Warlord, has hardly ever seen print in trade paperbacks and has been largely forgotten after two unsuccessful revamps. This doesn't change the fact that it was a brilliant series, and that I would give almost anything to have some of WL's best storylines reprinted in graphic novel format. While Marvel had Conan and The Savage Sword of..., DC's answer to the sword and sorcery genre was Travis Morgan and his band of heroes in the Lost World of Skartaris (situated in the center of the earth, accessible only through a breach in the earth's crust somewhere in the antarctic. How cool is that? A La Marvel's The Savage Land, but WAAAAY better). This hidden world of perpetual sunlight not only spawned a host of interesting characters, but made for some truly excellent stories of near unlimited scope and potential. Morgan, as the Warlord, served as adviser and general to Queen Tara of Shambal...